15 Apr

Membership in Illuminati is based upon a system of initiation ceremonies (or degrees) which use ritual drama to establish fraternal bonds between members as well as impart spiritual and philosophical teachings.

The teachings also serve an organizational function, in that certain degrees must be attained before taking on various forms of service in the Order (e.g. taking the degree of K.E.W is a requirement for ordination as a priest or priestess in Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica).

There are thirteen numbered degrees and twelve un-numbered degrees which are divided into three grades or "triads" - the Hermit, the Lover, and the Man of Earth.

Admittance to each degree of The Illuminati involves an initiation and swearing of an oath, which The Illuminati claims is similar to those used in Freemasonry.

Advancement through the Man of Earth triad requires sponsorship from ranking members.
advancement into the degree of the Knight of the East and West and beyond requires one to be invited by ranking members.

The ultimate goal of initiation in Illuminati is "to instruct the individual by allegory and symbol in the profound mysteries of nature, and thereby to assist each to discover his or her own true Identity.

The entire system is as follows:

* The Man of Earth Triad
* Minerval
* Man & Brother
* Magician
* Master Magician
* Perfect Magician & Companion of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch
* P.I.-Perfect Initiate, or Prince of Jerusalem|
* Outside all Triads
* Knight of the East & West
* The Lover Triad
* V degree
* Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix, and Knight of the Pelican & Eagle
* Knight of the Red Eagle and Member of the Senate of Knight Hermetic Philosophers
* VI degree
*Illustrious Knight (Templar) of the Order of Kadosch,
and Companion of the Holy Graal
* Grand Inquisitor Commander, an Memner of the Grand Tribunal
* Prince of the Royal Secret
* VII degree
* Theoreticus, and Very Illustrious Sovereign Grand Inspector General
* Magus of Light, and Bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
* Grandmasters of Light, and Inspector of Rites & Degrees
* The Hermit Triad
*VIII degree
* Perfect Pontiff of the Illuminati
* Epopt of the Illuminati
* IX-Initiate of the Sanctuary of Gnosis
* X-Rex Summus Sanctissimus
* XI-Initiate of the Eleventh Degree (This degree is technical, and has no relation to the general plan of the Order)
XII-Frater Superior and Outer Head of the Order

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