We are delighted that your life's journey has led you to discover our organization.
Maybe you have met one of our members in flesh. Or perhaps not, we value anonymity.
We see and know all just as a shepered sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat to the survival of the human species.
We are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species.
We are the Pyramid, the Light, the Eye, the Eternal Circle.
We are the Illuminati.


Be wary of imposters claiming to represent the Illuminati Organization. To verify your agent, kindly send us email to illuminatis.info@gmail.com

About image


The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, and other influential members of this planet. Our coalition unites influencers of political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole.

Millions of people from all walks of life have dedicated themselves to the Illuminati's global work for the betterment of the human species. By forgoing all divisions of religious, geographical, or political beliefs, followers of the Illuminati strive to form a planet where all people, in all places, can live in Abundance.

Learn of the power that gives authority to kings and queens but lives inside every human. Join the thousands of people from all walks of life who've committed themselves to the betterment of the human species _ Christians, Muslims, Atheist, Hindus, Buddhist, believers and non-believers of all kinds.

The Illuminati welcomes those qualified men and women who are interested in the possibility of joining our ranks - to become members of our society, whose members and principles have shaped our planet and our history.

Men and women of age 18 years old and above, who believe in a Supreme Being and meet the qualifications and standards  for membership are eligible to petition a Lodge. We welcome men and women of every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion.

The Illuminati requires that one cannot be compelled to join our society and that they must seek admission based on their own free will and accord. Therefore, one must ask a member to sponsor their application.

The process of becoming a member is managed at the Lodge level. The first step towards joining is registration.
You will be required to answer the following questions before we consider your request for membership;
- What is your full name?
- What is your interest in Illuminati?
- How many times have you attempted to join the Illuminati?

The first step is usually the registration, then initiation. Immediately after initiation, new members are given a financial support to recognise their lives in order to fit the class and status of the current club members. Other privileges are discussed after the initiation stage. However, there are basic requirements needed during the joining process.

- The committee performs inquiries of others as to your character.

- Your request will be balloted upon by the society members.
- You will be directed how to pay your membership registration fee of R1500
-After your payment, you will be emailed the Illuminati Official Membership Registration Forms - you will fill the forms and submit to us for registration process.
NB: The Illuminati forms contain some of our secrets and questions that we need you to answer with honesty. Arrangements will be made to meet you in person to discuss your ceremony; a committee of members from the society will contact you to arrange the meeting. They will answer all the questions that you may have, and if the meeting is satisfactory, you will be required to fill and sign a petition form.
- You will be advised of the date and time of your admission.



Illuminati is judged largely by actions and lives of its individual members. When a man is known to be a Illuminati, it is the standard by which the outside world judges our organization. To ensure that our reputation remains impeccable we expect you to maintain the standards set out in the qualifications for membership.

Illuminati demands and expects that every member will place the needs of his/her family first,  his/her obligations to his/her vocation second, and after these his/her duty to the organization.

There are certain financial responsibilities associated with your membership, just as there are costs in membership of any organization. These however, are not too onerous. The fees payable are set by the Organization in its by-laws which include:-

An initiation fee payable prior to joining the Organization. This covers your registration fee with the Organization, and the provision of a certificate which will be presented to you on becoming a full member of our Organization.

At various times during the year you may be asked to contribute time or money to charitable projects being organised by the society. Your contribution must at all times be determined by what your circumstances will permit.
The purchase of a Illuminati garment/robe may be required when you become a member of the Illuminati society.

How To Apply?

1. Pay  your membership joining fee of R1500 then email us your proof of Payment, your full names and your residential address. We'll send you the official documents (forms) to fill, sign then send them back to us for verification.

NB: Once your payment has been confirmed, you will be emailed an official receipt for this transaction.

2. You will receive a SECRET SERIAL CODE NUMBER (S.S.C.N) which you will be required to produce in order to identify yourself in our Lodges worldwide.

3. You will receive a phone call from our Grand Master who will guide you on the next step and also date, time and place for your initiation ceremony.

Illuminati membership is  presented by invitation only. Individuals who may fit the requirements for membership in the Illuminati will be contacted proactively through our official site.

Once we confirm your membership registration fee payment, we will call you immediately and also email you our official membership form that you will have to fill in and send back to us for registration process.

After registration, we will invite you within 24 hours to attend the Initiation Ceremony, you will be formally introduced to the Illuminati Network worldwide, and you will receive all the benefits and privileges given to new members of the Illuminati.



Citizens loyal to the ideals of the Illuminati and who seek membership in our organization are often referred to as followers of the Illuminati. They are free to choose any life path they desire and follow any morals they wish, providing that their beliefs are always in the interests of the human species as a whole. Followers of Illuminati forgo religious, geographical, and political differences to work as one unit with many distinct parts, accepting that each part must be unique to function properly. 


Illuminati is a secret way of life where men and women meet regularly in order to be active in the support of its own members, their ideals and of the community at large.
What you will get out of membership of Illuminati will be reflected by the efforts you make to integrate with the other members of the Organization. We are sure that you will gain far more from your membership than you expect, by becoming a member of the Illuminati and a more useful citizen in your community.

There are no mandates associated with your membership. After becoming a full member of the Organization, you may be content to remain as a non-active member within the Organization and just enjoy the membership benefits.


1. A cash reward R2,5 Million (a welcome ransom).
2. A new sleek dream car valued at R502,000.00.
3. A dream house bought in a country of your own choice.
4. One month fully paid holiday to your dream destination.
5. One year golf membership package.
6. A V.I.P treatment in all the airports in the world.
7. A total lifestyle change.
8. Access to all Superstars and Mega super stars in the world.
9. Monthly income of R1 000,000.00 paid to your bank account.
10. A very powerful talisman and supremacy ring (for magic and protection).
11. A Illuminati membership ID Card which has various accessories and advantages worldwide.

We hope however that you will decide to progress through the various positions of responsibility within the ritual to become a member of the Organization.
One of the benefits of becoming an active in the ritual side of our ceremonies, which will assist you in everyday life, is that by increasing your mental capacity of memorising it will give you more self-confidence in speaking in front of your fellow members.



The Illuminati's purpose is to secure the ongoing survival of the human species. Like all organisms, the human species naturally strive against extinction. Though your countries have borders and your languages have barriers, all people in all places are members of the same biological family. All humans are pieces of a collective that keeps humanity in existence. Though you are merely a speck on the back of a grain of sand when compared to the vast of humans born and decomposed for millennia, you are as important to your species' survival as the greatest kings and queens. BUT BY NATURE, THE HUMAN IS AFFECTED BY INSTINCT, EMOTION, AND IMBALANCE. A human will turn on one of its own species for reasons that will never matter in a thousand years, and likely not matter in even a hundred or ten. While you have seen the Light in the distance and chose to follow it - even if from merely curiosity - there are millions more whose backs are turned against its glow. The Illuminati operates various departments and programs for the benefit of all people, in all places, from all generations. By protecting the interest of humanity as a whole, our organization has ensured the ongoing dominance of the human species over every other creature and predator on this planet. JOIN ILLUMINATI All people, in all places, are eligible to apply for Illuminati membership. Initiates are not required to take any vows of loyalty, and may remove themselves from our membership at any time with no repercussions.


Symbols of the Illuminati appear in thousands of locations across the planet: on currency, architecture, artwork, and in media of all kinds. Since our formation, many of the Illuminati's symbols have been shrouded in mystery, which has led to confusion over their meanings and purpose. In this section of our public website, our organization will bring clarity to our symbols and offer insights into their true interpretations.



In the tenets of the Illuminati, wealth is not simply a means of personal enrichment. Instead, money is a tool that can be used to fulfil each person's duty to the advancement of the human species.

Wealth and success are like streams of water running down a pyramid. The highest receive the most because there are fewer while the lowest receive the least because there are many. Before the water can reach the bottom, first it must run through all the others above it. Though the lowest support the weight of all who are above them, they are numerous and easily replaced - unique individuals, but common together. A person climbs higher by becoming less like those below them.

The more money a person owns, the more ability they have to positively change the lives of those who are in need. If you are poor and of good heart, and your friend's house is burned in a fire, you will remain a good person but have no ability to help them with what they need the most. If the house burns but you are rich, you can give your friend a place to stay and a new home because you have more than enough for yourself and anyone around you who needs it.

The greater a person's fortune , the greater their responsibility to the their fellow humans. Like the Pyramid, those with the greatest power can do the greatest good for the largest number of those below them.


Humans stand apart from other creatures on this planet due to their ability to absorb wisdom, delay gratification, and create change through invisible power inside their minds. Animals and computers can be trained for tasks but cannot invent new ideas. However, simply through practice, humans can grow and learn: even the poorest child has the ability to become a doctor through education and determination, but even the smartest animal cannot learn to read a textbook. Humans are born with the mental power to free themselves from the chains of their natural selfish instincts and embrace millennia of wisdom that leads to wealth, power, and success.

As a human absorbs knowledge and wisdom, some will experience their Awakening: a pivotal moment when their minds evolve to a level of understanding that is higher than the majority. They begin to see themselves as strings in a universal tapestry with a duty to uplift their fellow humans, and quickly understand the inner workings of wealth, power, and authority. Those who have experienced their Awakening often describe it as the moment their Eye was opened. Unfortunately, many humans are only concerned about their own wellbeing and thus cannot understand the positive intentions of a higher authority. Many would rather this planet remain in turmoil instead of following the directions that will lead them to happiness. Historically. the greatest enemies of human progression have been human themselves. For this reason, those who have experienced their Awakening understand the need for it to remain secret - for their own safety and the ultimate good of a humanity that often does not know what is best for it.


Every human is guided by an inner compass that points toward the Light, revealing truth and direction when facing decisions.

Given many names by spiritual leaders and unexplainable by science, the Light is an invisible guide that many believe has led them to joy, success, and lives of abundance. It communicates directly to every human, urging them to strive for goodness and forgo their natural selfishness.

All human religions and spiritual beliefs ultimately seek the Light in ways differing only in form and function. Some religions refer to the Light with a name, such as God or Elohim. The core of every religion is founded on the human species' innate desire to understand the invisible force. Even without a formal religious affiliation, every human is naturally drawn to the Light.

Individual members of the Illuminati adhere to every variety of personal spiritual beliefs - but by recognizing that all of our paths lead to the same destination, we find that the light brings all people into an ultimate unity.

There is no proof that a God exists but there is also no proof that a God does not exist. The Illuminati's spiritual foundation is based upon this universal conundrum of faith and doubt. Our organization does not question whether a god does or does not exist but instead focuses on the betterment of the humans living on this planet.

Though the human mind in its physical form is not capable of fully understanding the Light, conscious thought and intention reveal many of its inner workings and effects. By studying the wisdom of this planet's greatest minds, humans can discover ways to increase the Light's powerful influence in their lives.

A representation of the Light can be seen in an Illuminated circle of the Illuminati's Eternal Oath, surrounding the Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye. 

Many other depictions of the Light have appeared in artwork and architecture across this planet.


Every human is one part of a larger, eternal design - individual gears in a clock that has no end.

Though you may not fully understand your purpose, your part is just as important as the greatest kings and queens of this planet. Some feel as though their temporally lack of wealth or influence makes them powerless to create change. But does a clockmaker favour the larger gears over the smaller? Does the hour hand become jealous of the minute because it turns slower?
Every part has a role in the functioning a timepiece. Every part supports those around it in ways it may never see. Your absence would undo the Order of our universe, even if you do not realize your importance.

The world began before you and will continue after you, but it will be different because of the decision you made.

Every generation inherits the world left by the one before it, just as a king inherits the crown of this father. Your pursuit of wisdom and goodness could lay the foundation for your great-great grandchild's rise into power - the same descendant who might steer a country from war and save lives by millions. Did the ancestors of Aristotle or Alexander The Great know who their actions would create?

Though you will never understand the full influence of your actions, the results of your dedication to the humanity are still yours to claim.


The symbol of the Crossed Keys originates from the earliest days of the Illuminati's establishment, and thus our history has caused it to take on a variety of clandestine meanings - some of which remain secret to this day. In some pieces of Illuminated art, the meaning of the Crossed Keys can change based on the color of the metal that is used in its depiction. The Cross Keys emblem can be seen in an Illuminated circle of the illuminati's Eternal Oath.

As a citizen rises through the levels of the Illuminati initiation, they are introduced to the evolving meanings that hide behind the images of the Crossed Keys. Some of the publicly available definitions include:


A steel vault is locked with a key to protect its precious contents from outsiders who would destroy it. In this same way, ranking members of the Illuminati are bound by oaths that require absolute secrecy and discretion, in order to protect the goals of our organization from warmongers who would stifle the progress of humanity's approaching age of peace. The Crossed Keys stand as a reminder of a member's promise to guard the treasures of knowledge that have been entrusted to them.


In later Illuminati symbolism, the Crossed Keys were occasionally used to represent a marriage. When both keys are identical, each person in a partnership has equal ownership of the shared home. It represents the importance of marriage union that is built on a foundation of mutual respect.


Some medieval practices believe that Crossed Keys represent the authority of kings and pontiffs to command the Earth and the Heavens. But in Illuminati beliefs, the power of Earth and Heavens _ over this life and the unknown that follows _ rests in the hands of each individual human. Our beliefs dictate that a human's future is determined by their own choices and decisions. In this way, the Crossed Keys represent every human's hidden power over the direction of their lives and their ability to control their own destiny.


An obelisk is a tapering tower that appears as tall and thin column with a pyramid at its top. Hundreds of obelisks are scattered on this planet, left behind as a reminder of ancient cultures that once flourished across the Earth.

Many early humans revered the obelisk's design as tribute to deities that controlled the sun. Even in modern times, humans have continued to construct these pillars as symbols of victories and accomplishments. The tallest modern obelisk is the Washington monument in the United States, which stands over 555 feet tall.

In Illuminati symbolism, the obelisk signifies accomplishments and success. Early obelisks were constructed from a single stone that required immeasurable effort to carve, polish, and craft into a perfect tower. But even though the names of the builders have been lost to history, the results of their efforts have continued to stand for thousands of years.
Through its physical representation of a singular unit, an obelisk represents the enormous power that hides behind the daily decisions made by every human - even if they are never aware of the efforts of their choices or of the victories that are theirs to claim.

The obelisk represents the ability of every person to dedicate their efforts to the advancement of humanity and leave behind a positive mark on society that will continue to stand as a guidepost for their descendants.


Crowns have passed through thousands of kings and queens, each different from the previous. Like the pendulum of a clock, power swings from one side to the other in an endless passing of time. It creates balance between two opposing forces- each side relying on the other to maintain order.

Neither side is entirely right or wrong, but neither side can relent. If the pendulum ceases to sway, the clock ceases to function.

Time is a powerful revelator. This planet has overcome millennia of hardships and survived disasters more devastating than the wars recorded by history. Humanity has faced its worst leaders, its worst regimes, its worst obstacles and survived to become stronger.
Though the portraits inside the palaces may change, and the names on the map may be altered, humanity's clock will continue uninterrupted.


The image of the snake eating its own tail, commonly referred to as ouroboros, appeared for centuries before the Illuminati's official formation. It is one of humanity's earliest representations of the universal balance found in the eternal circle, and is sometimes represented in the shape of the Infinity.

While this image may seem to hold destructive connotations, an understanding of the ouroboros must be approached in the context of pre-medieval human belief. In the mythology of many early cultures, snakes were viewed as symbols of self-improvement. This is a reference to a snake's ability to shed its skin and emerge as the same creature in a newer and better form.

In Illuminati rituals, the ouroboros stands for the circle of life: humanity's passing through generations that begin and end in a constantly renewing cycle. It shows the path of physical mortality - the inescapable truth that all life starts with nothing and ends in the same place that it began. All humans are born from the dust, and to dust they shall return.


Throughout medieval history, the image of the Owl was often associated with evil due to its tendency to be active during the dangerous hours of the night. Many early cultures saw the Owl as an omen of approaching bad fortune and believed that it was cursed as a creature of the dead.

However, Illuminati tradition tells a different story. In Illuminati practices, the Owl is revered as a creature of vigilance - a guardian who stands alert so others can rets through the night under its watchful gaze. It is seen as a totem representing wisdom, its eye ever-watchful for the morning to approach and for the guiding Light to remerge over the horizon.

In modern culture, the Owl appears in a variety of locations, especially in places of government and currency. Through magnification, the Owl can even be seen in the corner of every United States one-dollar bill, alongside the Pyramid and the All-Seeing Eye.


Throughout the human history, countless civilizations have used gold as the defining standard by which all value is measured. Reflecting a mesmerizing color that mimics the rays of the Sun, gold metal is representative of wealth, power, and prestige.

In Illuminati symbolism, gold represents the power of the Sun - the eternal source from which all human energy is derived and the universe's grand illuminator of all things. Gold is seen as a symbolic vessels of value: a physical representation of a human's effort and earnings.

At its core, gold is merely a stone like all the others; it would have no value without the power of human belief. This a reminder that money has no feeling, no voice, and no soul: its choice between good and evil is decided by those who use it. All who possess great wealth have a responsibility to use their riches for the betterment of humanity - to repay the value of their golden luxuries to the Earth from which it came.

Gold has inspired war and creation; destruction and innovation; both the subjugation of people and the means through they have found their freedom. Though time has witnessed the rise and fall of vast kingdoms and empires, gold has continued to mesmerize every generation of kings, queens, emperor, and presidents alike.

Real gold metal is used to create the gold Illuminati Talisman, which is worn as a mark of Illuminati affiliation by members who have dedicated their lives to the advancement of the human species.


In Illuminati symbolism, Rhodium is the metal of the moon.

Found on Earth in the rare supply, it shines with a silver white surface that immortalizes the power of this planet's lunar companion. Even in the darkest times, the moon illuminates humankind and brings harmony to life's most ancient unity: the hallowed bond between the dark and the Light.

Real Rhodium metal is used to create the silver Rhodium Illuminati Talisman, whic is worn as a mark of affiliation by members who have dedicated their lives to the advancement of the human species.


In Illuminati symbolism, copper represents the Earth and the collective power of the humans who occupy it.

Historians believe that copper was the first metal known to humanity,  with evidence of its use dating back over 10,000 years. Since prehistoric times, copper has been associated with strength and harmony, and a natural conductivity that attracts money and prosperity. Even the human body contains copper in muscles, bones, and the brain.

Real copper metal is used to create the copper Illuminati Talisman, which is worn as a mark of Illuminati affiliation by members who have dedicated their lives to the advancement of the human species.


The Illuminati operates in defence of you and all humans, in all places, and of all generations. Our duty to this planet has spanned across centuries and survived even the established government entities. But the cultivation of trillions of human lives is a daunting responsibility, and while the human would not exist today without our protection, many uninformed masses mistake our guidance for a restriction of liberty.

Every human desires to be free of oppression, free of hardship, free of poverty, free of hunger free of rules and laws - but as you understand, the nature of your species leaves true freedom impossible.

Are you free to murder? Are you free to steal? Are others free to murder and steal from you? Or are there certain freedoms that must be given up for the benefit of all?


This is the reason behind our anonymity. To continue functioning throughout societal changes and generational differences, the Illuminati must remain behind the curtain - an outsider, belonging to none and loyal to all.

You may never understand how your life can be free while guided by our organization. You may never fully comprehend our purpose and why you are safest and happiest with us. Simply open your mind and release your comprehensions, and you will find the relief of truth.

We will never take your hand and pull you down the path like a slave to our whims. You must find and travel the road on your own. But your quality of life is our greatest concern, and the reason our symbols are placed in your society for you to follow if you desire.


Most religious belief is based upon information received from an outside source that cannot be verified, sometimes known as hearsay. Millions will follow the commandments of a religious text without ever having spoken to its author, and billions will believe in a deity because of miracles they were told of by someone who wasn't even present nor alive at the time.

But denouncing faith is true folly. Faith is not limited to religious believers. While even the most devout pontiff cannot provide irrefutable evidence of his god's existence, neither can the scientist who claims that no deity resides in the universe. Both rely upon their own faith to explain things they will never understand.

There is no proof of God. There is no proof of no God. If science cannot definitively prove there is no God, then science has not choice but to accept a possibility of a god's existence.


The Illuminati religious foundation is based upon this universal conundrum of faith and doubt. We do not question whether a god does or does not exist, but rather focus on the betterment of the human people living on this planet. Our decisions are made by the study of data and evidence - factors that can be easily altered by a omniscient creature in order to guide our actions and the  future of mankind.


For decades, a multitude of individuals have operated under the name of Illuminati - their deceit clouds public perception of our organization, causing many citizens to believe that wrongdoings are committed by our command.

For anyone to claim that the Illuminati is affiliated with a religious belief - be it God or Satan, Baphomet or Baal - undermines the very purpose of our independence from human divisions. We neither accept nor deny deity and hold none to be higher than any other. We operate solely for the benefit of the human species we have been entrusted to protect.

Even more heinous rumours have been attributed to our organization, including human sacrifices and violent rituals. While our individual members are allowed to serve any deity they choose, the Illuminati as a whole is only dedicated to the preservation of the human species. Therefore, human sacrifices or any practice that does not serve the betterment of mankind would counter everything we represent, and are thus prohibited.


Would an all-intelligent, all-knowing, all-powerful god have any care for the name used in worship? Would a god command the harm of another when his justice can be served without your aid? Simply do what is right and good for the benefit of your species, and whatever higher power exists will reward you for your stewardship.


Since our origination, Illuminati members have dedicated themselves to the advancement of the human species by taking oaths of commitment. These pledges are a core tradition of the Illuminati, formed as written contracts between a single person and all members of the humanity. The first pledge of the Illuminati is called the Eternal Oath.

Within its promises, the Eternal Oath serves as a constant reminder of a person's most important goals: the pursuit of knowledge, enlightenment, abundance, unification, and the protection and advancement of the human species. It is not a vow of loyalty to the Illuminati, but rather a promise between oneself and humanity - a universal agreement that wealth, power, and prestige may enter your life, but your responsibility to humankind can never be forgotten.

The Eternal Oath is commemorated in this stunning certificate - issued on pristine matte stock with shining gold accents and a seal of authenticity. Upon receipt, citizens place their signature beneath the pledge, sealing their promises to themselves and humanity.

Stamped with the utmost quality, the Eternal Oath is a perfect addition to offices, homes, and other gathering places. Though it may be kept in private, display of the Eternal Oath serves as a signal to citizens and Illuminati members of the values you share.


To ensure its authenticity, each Eternal Oath certificate bears specific marks:
GOLD ACCENTS: Genuine documents include a gold border, gold Illuminati mark, and gold seal of authenticity.

MATTE ACCENTS: Each document is issued on pristine card paper with the red elements.

SCARLET ENVELOPE: The Eternal Oath certificate is delivered inside a scarlet envelope, marking official documents from the Illuminati.


Join The Illuminati in South Africa

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Join The Illuminati in South Africa with Agent V. Nkosi.

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Having conceived a favourable opinion of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Illuminati society, and a sincere desire of being serviceable to my fellow creatures, unbiased by friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary motives, I do freely and voluntarily offer myself as a candidate for initiation into the Illuminati society, and if selected, will cheerfully conform to all the ancient and established usages and customs of the Illuminati Order , which I understand are based on the highest principles and moral precepts and incorporate no unseemly conduct.

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค In the universe, there is one simple truth, every living being, every object, every emotion is you. Everything consists of one matter, the energy of the universe, so when you swear at others, you swear at yourself. When you hate others, you hate yourself, when you underestimate, despise, insult, deceive, you do all this in relation to yourself. When you love others, you love yourself, when you believe in others, you believe in yourself, when you pray for others, you pray for yourself, when you wish good luck to others, you wish good luck to yourself. When you rejoice in the happiness and health of others. You rejoice in happiness and health, your body and soul. Try to change your attitude to others, and you will see how everything will change for you. There are no boundaries, all races, genders, nationalities, statuses are the boundaries of the human ego. In the universe, everything is one whole without conventions and boundaries.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค Forgiveness is not just an act of letting go of resentment, it is a change in emotional state, a change in the perception of the situation and relationships.Forgiveness allows you to free yourself from the dependence of the past and open the way to creating a new reality. However, in order to truly forgive,it is necessary to replace destructive and emotional outbursts with positive ones, and this requires work with the imagination.When someone close to you has created an offense, it is important to remember that these people also did a lot of good for you.Forgiveness, in this case,is not just forgetting the offense,but rethinking the situation,replacing negative memories with those moments when they brought you benefits. Repeating these positive moments in your imagination,you begin to replace destructive emotions with benefits.If we are talking about people who have harmed you and are no longer present in your life, forgiveness here requires a deeper rethinking.It is necessary to replay the situation in imagination, to present its ending in a positive way, to see it from the position of an adult,capable of choosing his reactions. It is important not only to let go of the past,but also to create a new positive interpretation of this experience,which will serve you, and not drag you down. Forgiveness is the key to releasing energy for the creation of the desired future.When you forgive, you release your energy, stop being connected to the negativity of the past and open up to new possibilities.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค The path on earth must be viewed as a physical process that leads from superstitions and delusions to a specific measurable result. It is a process of awareness, understanding, and action that requires a person not only to know what he is doing, but also to be able to explain it to himself and others. In this process, philosophizing and idle thinking, without practical application, can become an obstacle, because they do not contribute to real understanding or achieving the goal. At the level of earthly reality, the Terra plane, most of the physical world is occupied by dark manifestations, the protaras of the world. This is due to the fact that life at the physiological level is built on the principle of harmony through the struggle of opposites, and this struggle manifests itself as compression of the ego and other instinctive forces. In this context, most people live a mechanical unconscious life, controlled by dark aspects against the world, the world egrigory. However, in the proto world, there are also clusters of light, non-violent formations, and a space of clarity. These light layers act as sources of inspiration and awareness, help to remove the covers of ignorance from consciousness, but access to them is possible only for those who consciously strive for this, who actively direct their attention to these light structures and open their souls to perceive higher vibrations and knowledge. Being gives a person free will, but it is realized only through conscious choice. Thus, life in awareness requires effort and attention, an internal process. This is not just a struggle or harmony of opposites, but also a choice in favor of creative, developing, and inspiring elements of the proto world that help a person grow and develop spiritually.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค Have you ever thought that the ability to consciously lose is the key to true balance in life, for something new to come, you need to consciously make room for it. The law of balance says that in order to get something significant, you need to give up something. Life is always full of cycles of loss and acquisition, and this balance is inevitable. However, the matrix system that controls our experience takes away the most valuable, giving insignificant things in return. We often feel that we lose more than we gain, because the system that controls this process sets its own tasks for itself. The more significant things we lose, the more insignificant we get in return. As a result, the final balance may seem equal, but the value of those things that we lose is much higher than what we gain. Our task is to consciously manage this process, to learn to give away what is not so important in order to make room for what is truly valuable. When you consciously choose what you no longer need, you open space for the arrival of significant things in your life. This can be called the art of managing losses, voluntarily and consciously letting go of what is not needed in order to receive in return what corresponds to your truths of balance.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค Always remember, the consciousness of the master unfolds from the point of possession of the final result, and not along the timeline leading to this potential result, through a chain of events. At the heart of the materialization of any thought forms, and the fulfillment of desires, lies one simple but profound concept, to truly want, to truly want. Truly, this is not just a desire or a dream, but a complete immersion in your desire, including all aspects of the immersion of your being, semantic, mental, emotional, sensory, ethereal, and physical. This means that you simultaneously direct your attention to this object, which has not yet manifested itself in the physical world, but has already been fully mastered by you in protoreality, and begins to be felt in reality, physically, as a potential pulling towards itself. When you truly want, it means that you already have your desire, even if it has not yet manifested itself in the physical world, this is not just faith, it is unconditional knowledge that you already have what you want. However, the question is whether you have enough faith, scale of consciousness, and internal resources to maintain the volume and strength of your attention on it and manifest it in reality.On this path, you will always be hindered by the egregorial matrix system, which is actually your personality, it is this system that will constantly block the implementation of your true desires, your essence. Our task, first of all, is to learn to work with your personality, with the structures of beliefs and models of your behavior, so that they become as effective as possible for the manifestation of your essence in this world. And as soon as you, your personality, can accept the desired image in proto reality, and transfer it to the collective unconscious, all the necessary events and structures will begin to form that will lead you to the possession of your goal in the real, physical world. Remember, you need to desire for real!


Tell me,if you believe in free will, how does it sound to you? If you say I will, it means that you are not here now.You postpone your existence to the future, and at this moment, you are actually absent, you do not exist. But if you say, I am, you affirm your existence, here and now.You are aware of your presence, and already now, you are determining your future.Every time we become who we want to be, we invest in our future,to do something,to get something, you need to be.Remember, the scale of imagination, plus the power of attention, plus the state of possession, this is, I am.The end result of your desire is to be intention, it is the determination to have and to act, and at the same time, permission.You need to give reality and freedom, not put pressure on it, but allow it to realize your intention.You only get what you correspond to, however, what is even more important is the desire to manage your reality.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค Every goal in life is realized through the state of possession, it is not just a desire or aspiration, it is the ability to feel that you already own what you are striving for, even if it has not yet manifested itself in reality. But how to achieve this state of possession, here comes into play a practice that can change your life. This practice is simple and effective, its goal is to reprogram your consciousness in such a way that you not only think about your goal, but also feel it, as if it has already been achieved. Now I will tell you how it works, when we talk about achieving goals, the basis is the ability to tune your consciousness to the purity of possession. Imagine that you have already achieved your goal, be it a new job, improved relationships, financial well-being, or something else. How do you feel in this state, what do you see around you, what do you hear? This state of possession is the key to implementation.To achieve this state, you need to use all aspects of your perception. And here, the practice of focused writing helps. It allows you to consolidate this state in your consciousness, deepening it every day. How to do the practice? Choose the right time, practice, it is best to do it in the evening before going to bed, at this moment your consciousness is most receptive to suggestions, and your mind is calm. Tune in to the goal, before you start, think about your goal, close your eyes, and imagine that it has already been achieved. Try to feel everything that is associated with having this goal, joy, satisfaction, confidence. Start writing, take a notebook and a pen, sit in a comfortable place where no one will disturb you. Start writing, describing your goal as if it had already been achieved. Describe in detail what you see, feel, what emotions you experience. Imagine that you are already living this reality.Focus your attention while writing, your mind should not be distracted. This time is only for you and your goal. Focus on what you are writing and try to feel every word. Finish with intention, as soon as you finish writing, go to bed right away. You must take this state with you into sleep, this will allow your subconscious to work on the materialization of the goal while you sleep. Regularity, perform this practice every day, each time, your state of possession will increase, and reality will begin to rebuild itself in accordance with your new settings. The practice of focused writing is a powerful tool for those who are ready to take responsibility for their lives and begin to manage their reality. This is not just magical thinking, this is working with your consciousness, which helps to set you up for success and achieving your goal.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค In this world there is neither good nor evil, there is no good or bad, there is not one thing or situation better or worse than another. Everything that surrounds us is movement, the whole world consists of movement, when you begin to understand this, you begin to realize that everything around is just different types of movement and its qualities. There is evolutionary movement, there is involutionary movement, there is creative movement and destructive movement, each movement has its own quality, it can be effective or ineffective. Any system strives for entropy, and there will always be an alternation of destruction and creation. This is the reality in which we live, determined by movement, destruction, creation, and the balance between them. The air we breathe has its creative and destructive properties. The water we drink is also different, sometimes it gives life, and sometimes it brings destruction. Earth and Fire can also be creative or destructive,we see it in nature,the temperature cycle, heat or cold, all this movement that simply exists, without evaluation or prejudice.When you learn to look at the world without value judgments, but simply as a chain of movements and changes,you will begin to understand how to manage processes and creation, and how to reduce destructive amplitudes,realize that in this world, there is nothing constant,everything is subject to the law of movement,and your task is to learn to manage this balance in your life,because this is what is truly manageable.Remember, everything in this world is subject to a single law, the law of movement. Understanding this law will allow you to become a master of your reality,manage your world, and minimize destruction, focusing on creation,conscious perception,here is the key to true understanding and management of this world.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿงฟ The attachment in the vision of spirituality. ๐Ÿง™๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐ŸŒ€Attachment is one of the feelings that most distance us from our essence. He has a very strong relationship with our ego and fear. Attachment is like a prison to something or someone that gives us a certain comfort, security, love or protection, but this is all an illusion. Attachment is a feeling directly linked to the Ego, as the word itself says: โ€œapEGOโ€. ๐ŸŒŒ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™€๏ธInstead of attachment accompanying the flow of expansion of our consciousness, it projects the opposite movement in us, making us create feelings of dependence and a constant search for satisfaction in something or someone. ๐ŸŒŒ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™€๏ธIn spirituality, this is a feeling that slows us down a lot. A person who is very attached to matter, be it food, shopping, money, vices in general and even other people, when he gets to the spiritual plane and realizes that these things are not there, he will suffer for the lack of it. You will want these things and they will not be there. The greater the attachment, the greater the ordeal that this Being will need to go through in the spiritual plane, as it generates a dense energy load that is difficult to bear. ๐ŸŒŒ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™€๏ธOne of the most common causes of obsession are spirits strongly connected to incarnated beings, through the energy of attachment in matter, which become involved in serious obsessive processes, feeding on that energy of those who are here. Be it for smoking, drinking, sex, anyway... vices in general. These spirits, because they do not have the source of their attachment in the spiritual plane, need to approach living beings who have the same attachments in order to satisfy their desire. Have you never heard the phrase: You attract everything you think about? It's a matter of vibration. Everything is energy. ๐ŸŒŒ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™€๏ธAttachment not only causes suffering on the spiritual plane, it causes suffering here as well. It's not a healthy feeling, and it generates a false sense of ownership of something or someone. ๐ŸŒŒ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™€๏ธTherefore, practicing detachment is not just a question of spirituality, but of having a good life in unity with all that is. Good feelings must be free from attachment. Only then will something actually be true.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒคThe basis of unconscious creation is the knowledge that each person is a spirit manifested through the body, and its main purpose is to collect experience, expand the boundaries of its perception and self-knowledge. However, in our current dimension, where a person lives and acts, is determined by a system that restrains and directs his spiritual development and self-expression. This structure can be called the mind, it is a kind of algorithmic system. A matrix that works within the framework of the collective consciousness of humanity, creating clear laws, boundaries, rules, and models of behavior. Collective consciousness, in turn, is the result of everything that was, is, and will be in human history, knowledge, values, beliefs, and models of behavior accumulated by humanity.The soul, being a program for collecting experience, turns out to be limited by this structure of the mind, which imposes its limitations on it and determines how a person will see the world and interact with it.When we talk about unconscious creation, we are talking about the fact that a person, being in a sleeping, unconscious state, creates his own reality, based on these programs imposed on him. A person does not realize that his creative power is used by the system to create the world that exists around him. This system, being part of the mind and reason, cannot create independently. It uses a person as a tool to achieve its goals and rules, such creation is not conscious, because a person acts within the framework of pre-established programs, without going beyond them. He does not learn something new, but only repeats what has already been embedded in his mind and collective consciousness. In this sense, the system uses the spiritual energy of a person to create the world that it considers necessary, and a person in this process is not aware of his creative power.When a person begins to realize his role in the process of creation, and to understand that his power is used to create a world that is imposed on him, he gets the opportunity to change his reality, but in order to really break this ring, Groundhog Day, and go beyond the limitations, you need to realize your actions and learn to control your creative power.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค Our planet was created to be as beautiful as possible, as much as possible, the natural beauty of the planet is absolutely harmonious.That is why it causes a feeling of delight and awe in your soul.That is why it is so useful to live in nature, and not in megacities.Living in a megalopolis is contrary to the nature of the soul.Try to be in nature as often as possible, and it is better if these are walks alone.Nature helps a person on the path to self-awareness.Use it for good, it was created for you, for your development.The cleaner the natural space around you, the higher the vibrations that you are able to feel. Thank you with love.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒคWake up and understand that the state you are in now, the events and results that you have, are not your choice, and you actually control absolutely nothing. Your consciousness is asleep, and your entire personality, your mind, is nothing more than a tool in the hands of the egregorial matrix system. Your personality is a fractal part of this system. This system has prescribed all your thoughts, all your beliefs, behavior patterns, and your entire picture of the world. You live not your own life, but the one that the system allows you to live. Each of your actions, each of your thoughts is not the result of your free choice, it is just the execution of programs that were implanted in you, and you unfold your reality not the way you want, and your essence, but the way the system needs. You unfold and see the world through the filter that was installed so that you fulfill the tasks of this system, and your reality, your impressions, your emotions, all of this, is used to maintain the vital activity of this structure.But you may not realize this, and until you realize it, you will continue to move in a vicious circle, repeating the same mistakes, experiencing the same disappointments. All this supports your picture of the world, which is powered by low-frequency energies. You continue to live reacting to the world, as the system requires, and your attention is directed only at maintaining this world, this scinarium that was imposed on you from birth, but in the depths of the soul, at its very foundation, there is something more.Your soul is the basis of knowledge and movement, which strives for a new impression, a new experience, it wants to break out of this wheel of samsara, from this endless cycle of repeating events that no longer bring it anything new, and only awareness of this moment, awareness that you are not just a set of thoughts and reactions, but something more, can lead you to real changes. Understand that until you wake up, until you begin to be aware of every moment, every moment. You will continue to live in a world that does not belong to you, well, as soon as you wake up, as soon as you realize that you are not just a body, not just a mind, but also a soul that thirsts for knowledge of a new experience, you can begin to move along the layers of probability, choose the reality that truly belongs to you. And at this moment, freedom of truth arises, freedom of choice. Only awakening, and awareness, can give you the opportunity to break out of this vicious circle and start living for real. This is the path to freedom, to a true life, where you yourself will become the creator of your destiny.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒคAll potential versions of your physical body and world exist simultaneously in the multiverse. When you wake up, you do not simply return to the familiar physical world, you unfold it anew, creating an entirely new reality based on your current state of being. This world that you unfold and perceive is a complete reflection of the entirety of your internal picture of the world, your values, beliefs, thought forms, and emotional sensory reactions. Each of your daytime consciousnesses is a new unfolding of physical reality that demonstrates that someone exists at the level of their proto reality. During the day, within the framework of daytime consciousness, events and situations unfold that correspond to your state of being. These events can carry both elements of misfortune and elements of good, depending on your internal state. During the day, you observe many events of varying quality that shape your current state.It is important to realize which perception dominates, if you often encounter events that cause negative emotions, this indicates a state of trouble. If positive emotions prevail, you are in a state of good. This perception determines what you are at the moment, and how this will affect the development of the next day. By the end of the day, you reach a certain state of being, which can be considered as the result of all your daily experiences and impressions. When you fall asleep, your consciousness collapses, and with it, the physical world collapses. You are immersed in a process of recalculation of existence, a kind of reboot that prepares you for the next day. In a dream, a recalculation of the mass of existence occurs in order to determine which event series will be deployed in the next daytime consciousness. The state in which you fall asleep affects what version of reality you wake up in the next day.Realize that every new day, daytime consciousness is your new version of yourself, a new physical avatar. Your current Self is already different from yesterday's, and with each moment, either evolution or involution occurs. All these versions of you exist simultaneously within the multiverse, and the choice of which avatar you will be tomorrow depends on your current state. The next day, daytime consciousness, your consciousness will unfold the reality that best matches your total state of being. If you consciously live the day, striving for a high-frequency state, you create the conditions for the transition, unfolding, harmoniously branching reality in the conditional future. All potential versions of your physical body and the world exist simultaneously in the multiverse of the Universe. The only question is how you live every moment in your current life, which version of yourself you choose, and what state of being you complete your day.


Cultivating faith is a daily work with imagination and attention. It is not just a belief, but a discipline that strengthens inner confidence, which turns into knowledge. Faith begins with awareness, when information coincides with beliefs, blind faith arises - confidence without evidence, which often turns out to be fragile. Without personal experience, it is easily destroyed. True faith requires confirmation through experience. It cannot be blind. In order for faith to become knowledge, you need to act and test your beliefs. This is a daily work, where you direct your attention to goals, and track events that confirm or refute your faith.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค Your whole life is a reflection of your choice. There is a feeling that you are not living your life, which means you have made choices that are not in accordance with your inner truth. Be honest with yourself, always ask the question, is this exactly what I want? If not, then feel free to refuse, contrary to the advice of others, and soon you will understand that this choice, illogical at first glance, not resonating with your soul, was the most correct, until you see all the pictures as a whole, just trust your intuition, the mind is not an adviser here, create your best reality with sincere choices, so that one day you can say, I am living my life.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒค Have you ever thought that your freedom of choice is just an illusion, all the decisions that you consider yours are, in fact, pre-written by the matrix system. The scenario of your life has long been created, and the egregorial forces that control this world direct you along pre-determined paths. It only seems to you that you are free in your choices, but in fact, all the paths were chosen for you, long before your birth. The matrix creates the illusion of freedom to maintain its system. Everything that you consider your achievements, goals, and aspirations are just elements of the global scenario that was written to maintain the integrity of the system. As soon as you realize this, you will understand that true freedom begins with understanding your lack of freedom. Awareness of your limitations is the first step to going beyond the matrix programs and starting to create your own reality.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธโƒคTo create an egregor, you first need to form its initial form, or embryo. This process begins in your mind, where an image is created that combines a visual representation and an energetic structure. The creation of an egregor occurs on two levels, the first level is an integral sensation, this is the basic perception of what you expect from an egregor, it can be something simple, such as a family egregor, or more complex, like an egregor, a political party. The integral sensation is formed through a positive credo, without personal assessments. When you create an egregor, it is important not to simply want something specific from it, but rather to identify yourself with it. The second level is keywords, words play an important role in the creation of a grigor, as they determine its essence. After the integral sensations and keywords are defined, the egregor can be launched into the world. This is not a simple process, since the egregor is not an entity that exists due to someone alone, it cannot be created alone, or out of nowhere, to support it, a group of people is needed who will serve as energy donors, over time, the egregor begins to influence these people, directing them in the direction it needs. When launching an egregor, it is important to unite people into a single group and strengthen the energy sensation of the egregor, passing it on to this group. This will help strengthen the egregor and direct its development in the right direction.